This was a great find and I am incredibly happy with how it turned out. It was relatively easy to assemble with two people and took about an hour in total. I was a little nervous about how sturdy it would be with a king mattress but itll the frame has been totally supportive. My biggest complaint is that the materials came in two boxes on two separate dates. I didnt know there were going to be two boxes so I thought I just hadnt received a full kit. I reached out to the seller, who was wonderful and helpful, and they told me they would send me whatever I was missing no problem. I then got the next box so all was good!
Very happy with this purchase and the seller.
Would buy again without a doubt!!!
This was a great find and I am incredibly happy with how it turned out. It was relatively easy to assemble with two people and took about an hour in total. I was a little nervous about how sturdy it would be with a king mattress but itll the frame has been totally supportive. My biggest complaint is that the materials came in two boxes on two separate dates. I didnt know there were going to be two boxes so I thought I just hadnt received a full kit. I reached out to the seller, who was wonderful and helpful, and they told me they would send me whatever I was missing no problem. I then got the next box so all was good! Very happy with this purchase and the seller.