I put the bed together, by myself, with the provided tools in about an hour and a half. It went together very easily. The directions were easy to follow. I kept the boxes on the front porch and went and got the pieces as I needed them. Overall, the bed feels very sturdy. I did keep my box springs. Theres about 12 of the showing, which I think is fine for what I wanted. Overall, Im very happy with my purchase and I would purchase it again.
Great Bed!
I put the bed together, by myself, with the provided tools in about an hour and a half. It went together very easily. The directions were easy to follow. I kept the boxes on the front porch and went and got the pieces as I needed them. Overall, the bed feels very sturdy. I did keep my box springs. Theres about 12 of the showing, which I think is fine for what I wanted. Overall, Im very happy with my purchase and I would purchase it again.