Honestly I was very impressed by this bed frame. The packaging was perfectly labeled and well packaged, as were the bolts that came with. Instructions easy to read. It came with a small socket wrench to make your life easier. It really took me 25mins tops to assemble by myself. I suggest halfway tightening everything so as to make the assembly easier and faster, then once everything is put together go back and tighten it all. 10/10.
Honestly I was very impressed by this bed frame. The packaging was perfectly labeled and well packaged, as were the bolts that came with. Instructions easy to read. It came with a small socket wrench to make your life easier. It really took me 25mins tops to assemble by myself. I suggest halfway tightening everything so as to make the assembly easier and faster, then once everything is put together go back and tighten it all. 10/10.