Purchased this bed for my toddler as a transition into a big boy bed from a crib/toddler bed. It was very easy to put together, only took me an hour. The packaging was well put together and it came with all the hardware needed to assemble. I read reviews about holes not lining up and that wasnt my case. Lastly, I combined the bed frame with an 8 inch twin mattress and it fits perfectly, no gaps. My son loves it as do I.
Great bed for an even better price
Purchased this bed for my toddler as a transition into a big boy bed from a crib/toddler bed. It was very easy to put together, only took me an hour. The packaging was well put together and it came with all the hardware needed to assemble. I read reviews about holes not lining up and that wasnt my case. Lastly, I combined the bed frame with an 8 inch twin mattress and it fits perfectly, no gaps. My son loves it as do I.