Overall great product. Christmas present for my daughter
Overall great product. Christmas present for my daughter. She needed more space in her room. This did the trick and she really likes it. Its been assembled since December 25, 2016 and seems very sturdy so far. No assembly problems, doesnt squeak or rattle, Im 510 and 165 lbs and I fit just fine on it. Under the bed she has a full size office chair at the desk and a second comfy chair for lounging and reading. Everything fits just fine with plenty of headspace. Were very pleased.
Overall great product. Christmas present for my daughter
Overall great product. Christmas present for my daughter. She needed more space in her room. This did the trick and she really likes it. Its been assembled since December 25, 2016 and seems very sturdy so far. No assembly problems, doesnt squeak or rattle, Im 510 and 165 lbs and I fit just fine on it. Under the bed she has a full size office chair at the desk and a second comfy chair for lounging and reading. Everything fits just fine with plenty of headspace. Were very pleased.