This bed as a whole is just OK for the price point. We were looking for a bunk bed that was reasonably priced and ended up purchasing this one. It took a few hours to put together and seems sturdy enough. We did find that several peices of the wood were of poor quality and really could have been sanded down to prevent risk of splinters. Additionally, one peice was barely usable, as it had a huge crack in it. Being that the peice with the huge crack was also the longest and biggest peice of the bed, we decided to keep it instead of dealing with the process of returning such a large item. That being said I cannot say I would recommend this bed. I really question why this item is listed under choice.
Below average quality
This bed as a whole is just OK for the price point. We were looking for a bunk bed that was reasonably priced and ended up purchasing this one. It took a few hours to put together and seems sturdy enough. We did find that several peices of the wood were of poor quality and really could have been sanded down to prevent risk of splinters. Additionally, one peice was barely usable, as it had a huge crack in it. Being that the peice with the huge crack was also the longest and biggest peice of the bed, we decided to keep it instead of dealing with the process of returning such a large item. That being said I cannot say I would recommend this bed. I really question why this item is listed under choice.