I really like this bed! I have a 5 and 7 year old and they love it. It’s super sturdy and took about 2 hours to assemble. It’s nice and low since we have low ceilings. A few pieces on the wood were sharp and I was afraid my daughter oh the bottom bunk would hit her head so I sanded them down and now no problem. A few pieces cane slightly dented or scuffed but for me it was no big deal. I highly recommend this is you have low ceilings or are nervous about little ones falling out of the top.
I recommend!
I really like this bed! I have a 5 and 7 year old and they love it. It’s super sturdy and took about 2 hours to assemble. It’s nice and low since we have low ceilings. A few pieces on the wood were sharp and I was afraid my daughter oh the bottom bunk would hit her head so I sanded them down and now no problem. A few pieces cane slightly dented or scuffed but for me it was no big deal. I highly recommend this is you have low ceilings or are nervous about little ones falling out of the top.