I also bought the assembly through . There were no problems with assembly, all parts were there. It took him around an hour. You do have to use a little muscle to open and close it but its worth it for all the storage space you get. I put this in a medium beige room. I was counting on the reviews saying it wasnt grey to be true. It is pretty much a beige/ish color with the tweed look stitching being greyish. Its a very neutral color. Its in my guest room so I cant really comment of how sturdy it is but it seems to be sturdy. It doesnt make any noise when getting in or out. I am very happy with this purchase.
Great buy
I also bought the assembly through . There were no problems with assembly, all parts were there. It took him around an hour. You do have to use a little muscle to open and close it but its worth it for all the storage space you get. I put this in a medium beige room. I was counting on the reviews saying it wasnt grey to be true. It is pretty much a beige/ish color with the tweed look stitching being greyish. Its a very neutral color. Its in my guest room so I cant really comment of how sturdy it is but it seems to be sturdy. It doesnt make any noise when getting in or out. I am very happy with this purchase.