I just received my order, and the box was very damaged. It came in open or it open because the tape looks very old. Im currently painting my home so I wont be opening anytime soon. I really hope and pray its not damaged, I was really looking forward for this.
UPDATE: Omg! I am extremely happy with it. Its not damaged at all, now my little room has the right space it needed, and Im about to store my covers under and put away some clothes when the season changes. Im super happy with it.
I just received my order, and the box was very damaged. It came in open or it open because the tape looks very old. Im currently painting my home so I wont be opening anytime soon. I really hope and pray its not damaged, I was really looking forward for this. UPDATE: Omg! I am extremely happy with it. Its not damaged at all, now my little room has the right space it needed, and Im about to store my covers under and put away some clothes when the season changes. Im super happy with it.