Picked this to replace the beanbag in my 7 year olds room. He like to sit on the floor so this was perfect.
This seat comes pretty simply packed, but is wrapped in cry stuff plastic which was kind of annoying. I wouldve been fine with this just stuck in the box.
The seat is large enough for an adult, yet fits my 7 year old comfortably. It reclines at 5 different angles, from 90 to fully flat. It doesnt come with instructions so we just had to figure out that you have to fully fold it in half and then open it back up. Otherwise it wont budge from a seat position (which is good).
Well see how it stands up to the abuse of a 7 year old that is crawling all over it.
7 year old loves it!
Picked this to replace the beanbag in my 7 year olds room. He like to sit on the floor so this was perfect. This seat comes pretty simply packed, but is wrapped in cry stuff plastic which was kind of annoying. I wouldve been fine with this just stuck in the box. The seat is large enough for an adult, yet fits my 7 year old comfortably. It reclines at 5 different angles, from 90 to fully flat. It doesnt come with instructions so we just had to figure out that you have to fully fold it in half and then open it back up. Otherwise it wont budge from a seat position (which is good). Well see how it stands up to the abuse of a 7 year old that is crawling all over it.