This bed is very cute, perfect for my 3 year olds room. The product description does not show that this ships in two boxes. One box arrived 3 days before the other box. I went to assemble the bed when the first box arrived and it only had the head board, foot board, and slats. The rails, legs, and hardware shipped in a separate box and arrived later. The quality of the finish is great, its a little wobbly when my husband or I lie down to read books with her, but it supports our weight just fine.
Very cute, but beware this ships in two boxes!
This bed is very cute, perfect for my 3 year olds room. The product description does not show that this ships in two boxes. One box arrived 3 days before the other box. I went to assemble the bed when the first box arrived and it only had the head board, foot board, and slats. The rails, legs, and hardware shipped in a separate box and arrived later. The quality of the finish is great, its a little wobbly when my husband or I lie down to read books with her, but it supports our weight just fine.