I’ve had this bed for a little over 3 months. I think it was worth the buy. It was just me and my daughter and we were able to assemble it and get the job done. My only complaint that I have is that it isn’t as sturdy as I would like. Anytime I get in the bed it shifts. And I’m 5’1 140lbs. So not super big. But other than that I like the color and material of it.
Decent buy
I’ve had this bed for a little over 3 months. I think it was worth the buy. It was just me and my daughter and we were able to assemble it and get the job done. My only complaint that I have is that it isn’t as sturdy as I would like. Anytime I get in the bed it shifts. And I’m 5’1 140lbs. So not super big. But other than that I like the color and material of it.