... researched replica Noguchi tables extensively and this was the best combination of quality and cost I could find
I researched replica Noguchi tables extensively and this was the best combination of quality and cost I could find. Im very pleased with the product and the service. It is perfect and was delivered on time and as described. As others have noted, th glass does have a slight greenish tint (which I knew and which works perfectly in my setting). And, yes, this is a heavy duty 3/4 (very nicely finished) glass tabletop that does weigh like 90 lbs. Assembly is sturdy and set-up very easy.
... researched replica Noguchi tables extensively and this was the best combination of quality and cost I could find
I researched replica Noguchi tables extensively and this was the best combination of quality and cost I could find. Im very pleased with the product and the service. It is perfect and was delivered on time and as described. As others have noted, th glass does have a slight greenish tint (which I knew and which works perfectly in my setting). And, yes, this is a heavy duty 3/4 (very nicely finished) glass tabletop that does weigh like 90 lbs. Assembly is sturdy and set-up very easy.