This item wasnt the easiest to assemble as its very easy to switch the left and right sides but once you get past that point the rest of the assembly is easy just dont use a screw gun as the screws themselves are extremely cheap looks like they were made in China and they strip easily so I strongly suggest you use an Allen wrench. Once this bed was assembled it looks great and its very sturdy. There was a slight gap between the back wall in the side wall on the left side other than that I would definitely recommend buying this bed
This item wasnt the easiest to assemble as its very easy to switch the left and right sides but once you get past that point the rest of the assembly is easy just dont use a screw gun as the screws themselves are extremely cheap looks like they were made in China and they strip easily so I strongly suggest you use an Allen wrench. Once this bed was assembled it looks great and its very sturdy. There was a slight gap between the back wall in the side wall on the left side other than that I would definitely recommend buying this bed