This frame is heavier and more sturdy than I expected for the price. Very easy to assemble, I did it myself, but recommend a second hand if you have one. I did find some of the parts were missing the piece label, but I figured out which piece it was by the pictures in the instructions. My mattress in 12 tall, so with all the bedding, it hides the headboard as you can see in picture. I like the height as you can easily fit items underneath. It is easy to move around the room. I am happy with this frame so far and so is the dog.
This frame is heavier and more sturdy than I expected for the price. Very easy to assemble, I did it myself, but recommend a second hand if you have one. I did find some of the parts were missing the piece label, but I figured out which piece it was by the pictures in the instructions. My mattress in 12 tall, so with all the bedding, it hides the headboard as you can see in picture. I like the height as you can easily fit items underneath. It is easy to move around the room. I am happy with this frame so far and so is the dog.