Honest Review
Difficult to assemble
seller or product designer need to write letters on parts clearer
very hard to read letters written in marker had to put together and take apart a few times
needs a skilled/semi skilled person
but worth it!
for a young toddler
if you have a bigger kid like 3+ be careful not Merle so kids cant hang on top of bed if you have a active child not super sturdy
But satisfied with buy and free shipping
Beautiful bed hard to assemble but worth it
Honest Review Difficult to assemble seller or product designer need to write letters on parts clearer very hard to read letters written in marker had to put together and take apart a few times needs a skilled/semi skilled person but worth it! for a young toddler if you have a bigger kid like 3+ be careful not Merle so kids cant hang on top of bed if you have a active child not super sturdy But satisfied with buy and free shipping