This cabinet had a defect which made it impossible to assemble. The second time that I contacted the customer service for the company the woman that I spoke to was wonderful. I was prepared to buy the part that didn't work and they replaced the entire cabinet. My son put it together for me last week and it is a very attractive and functional piece of furniture. I'm using it as a buffet cabinet in my dining room. Very satisfied. The second cabinet went together quite well.
Nice cabinet
This cabinet had a defect which made it impossible to assemble. The second time that I contacted the customer service for the company the woman that I spoke to was wonderful. I was prepared to buy the part that didn't work and they replaced the entire cabinet. My son put it together for me last week and it is a very attractive and functional piece of furniture. I'm using it as a buffet cabinet in my dining room. Very satisfied. The second cabinet went together quite well.