This definitely took longer to assemble than the directions had said. It also is already broke. The stitching in the top corner didnt hold, the zipper broke on the privacy curtainit hasnt even been up for a month yet. But it is just as nice looking as it is in the picture. Ill probably stitch it up by hand somehow to make it last the rest of the summer but I probably wouldnt waste my money on this a second time.
Just medium
This definitely took longer to assemble than the directions had said. It also is already broke. The stitching in the top corner didnt hold, the zipper broke on the privacy curtainit hasnt even been up for a month yet. But it is just as nice looking as it is in the picture. Ill probably stitch it up by hand somehow to make it last the rest of the summer but I probably wouldnt waste my money on this a second time.