This chair works for what we ordered it for. Its not very sturdy, but you get what you pay for. My husband just had surgery so itll last as long as his recovery. I gave this 4 stars because there was an issue with shipping and the seller wasnt much help. Their suggestion was essentially wait and lets see what happens. Then when fedex claimed it was delivered (but it wasnt), the seller told me to contact FedEx myself. Thankfully it was delivered 2 days later.
Good chair / not great customer service
This chair works for what we ordered it for. Its not very sturdy, but you get what you pay for. My husband just had surgery so itll last as long as his recovery. I gave this 4 stars because there was an issue with shipping and the seller wasnt much help. Their suggestion was essentially wait and lets see what happens. Then when fedex claimed it was delivered (but it wasnt), the seller told me to contact FedEx myself. Thankfully it was delivered 2 days later.