Simple clean lines metal bed frame. I originally ordered from a different seller, but the item never came. kept pushing back the delivery date. After the second delay, I decided to look for a similar product from a different seller and found this one. I cancelled my first order and purchased this one. It came as expected and delivered on time. My husband had no issues assembling it and he said it was pretty easy / and believe me, he would tell me if it was not. Happy to have my spare room put together.
Just what I was looking for
Simple clean lines metal bed frame. I originally ordered from a different seller, but the item never came. kept pushing back the delivery date. After the second delay, I decided to look for a similar product from a different seller and found this one. I cancelled my first order and purchased this one. It came as expected and delivered on time. My husband had no issues assembling it and he said it was pretty easy / and believe me, he would tell me if it was not. Happy to have my spare room put together.