loveed them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. lovee the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys lovee the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts
loveed them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. lovee the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys lovee the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts