This was a great purchase. We bought it for our 6 and 8-year-old sons to use. Theres plenty of room on the bottom bunk for our oldest to sit up and still plenty of ceiling clearance on the top bunk. It was pretty easy to put together. My husband did most of it by himself and only needed me there for 1 step. The only real issue was some of the slat inserts on the frame were wonky, but my husband was able to put the slats in with some force.
great bed!!!!
This was a great purchase. We bought it for our 6 and 8-year-old sons to use. Theres plenty of room on the bottom bunk for our oldest to sit up and still plenty of ceiling clearance on the top bunk. It was pretty easy to put together. My husband did most of it by himself and only needed me there for 1 step. The only real issue was some of the slat inserts on the frame were wonky, but my husband was able to put the slats in with some force.