Easy enough to assemble and the couch is sturdy enough but it came with a semi destroyed packaging. It was dirty in number of places. Considering the headache I may have to go through I choose not to return it. However I used a hand steamer to get rid of those dirk spots. Appearance is much better now in compared to how we accepted it. I must admit I am not sure who should be blamed here the delivery folks or the seller/manufacturer.
Bad packaging and came with dirk spotting
Easy enough to assemble and the couch is sturdy enough but it came with a semi destroyed packaging. It was dirty in number of places. Considering the headache I may have to go through I choose not to return it. However I used a hand steamer to get rid of those dirk spots. Appearance is much better now in compared to how we accepted it. I must admit I am not sure who should be blamed here the delivery folks or the seller/manufacturer.