Its sturdy and functional. We have already used the trundle. My 8yr old daughter lives it.
Assembly was fairly easy. All good as long as you pay attention to which direction the boards are supposed to face. The only thing that bugged me was they did not send screw caps. So you can see the screw heads on the front and top of the headboard/footboard.
Overall all its seems to be a good purchase. I am happy and my daughter is happy.
Its sturdy and functional. We have already used the trundle. My 8yr old daughter lives it.
Assembly was fairly easy. All good as long as you pay attention to which direction the boards are supposed to face. The only thing that bugged me was they did not send screw caps. So you can see the screw heads on the front and top of the headboard/footboard. Overall all its seems to be a good purchase. I am happy and my daughter is happy.