The barstools look great and they are easy to put together. I like them very much but the problem is that the seat is very small. a person with a large behind would not be able to fit in the seat. I am toll but not too heavy and I fit a little tight. Also, the seat feels like is tilted down in the front and makes you feel like you will slide off the stool. If the manufacturer would make the seat larger and better leveled, it would be a much better product.
Nice barstools but small seat.
The barstools look great and they are easy to put together. I like them very much but the problem is that the seat is very small. a person with a large behind would not be able to fit in the seat. I am toll but not too heavy and I fit a little tight. Also, the seat feels like is tilted down in the front and makes you feel like you will slide off the stool. If the manufacturer would make the seat larger and better leveled, it would be a much better product.