The product checked all my boxes. It was easy to assemble, attractive and functionable. However, I am near 6' tall and over 220 lbs and the seat was too small for my frame. I returned the product and received my refund. The seller stocks their own product as opposed to stocking the be patient with shipment, etc. I would buy again from this seller if the product fit. I'm still searching for an adjustable kitchen bar stool to fit my fat arse.
Seat to small
The product checked all my boxes. It was easy to assemble, attractive and functionable. However, I am near 6' tall and over 220 lbs and the seat was too small for my frame. I returned the product and received my refund. The seller stocks their own product as opposed to stocking the be patient with shipment, etc. I would buy again from this seller if the product fit. I'm still searching for an adjustable kitchen bar stool to fit my fat arse.