So far so good / seat depth is a bit less than expected but it appears to be sturdy. Worst part was delivery / first the multiple changes to the delivery date, then the notice from USPS that they would not deliver so I had to go and pick it up. Not sure why hires USPS for last mile deliveries that they (according to USPS) know that USPS will not makebut according to the USPS employee mine was not a unique situation.
So far so good
So far so good / seat depth is a bit less than expected but it appears to be sturdy. Worst part was delivery / first the multiple changes to the delivery date, then the notice from USPS that they would not deliver so I had to go and pick it up. Not sure why hires USPS for last mile deliveries that they (according to USPS) know that USPS will not makebut according to the USPS employee mine was not a unique situation.