Superb product all the way around. Waited about nine weeks for it to be delivered after it was ordered. Well worth the wait. Very sturdy. Relatively easy to assemble by myself. Yes, it would have been easier with someone to help, but definitely manageable on your own. I definitely recommend using a combination of power drill and the T/handle wrench (that is included). Start each screw by hand, do the majority of the tightening with the power drill, finished with the T/handle. From start to finish, took about 30 minutes (five minutes of that was reading the instructions and separating out the different lengths of screws).
Superb product
Superb product all the way around. Waited about nine weeks for it to be delivered after it was ordered. Well worth the wait. Very sturdy. Relatively easy to assemble by myself. Yes, it would have been easier with someone to help, but definitely manageable on your own. I definitely recommend using a combination of power drill and the T/handle wrench (that is included). Start each screw by hand, do the majority of the tightening with the power drill, finished with the T/handle. From start to finish, took about 30 minutes (five minutes of that was reading the instructions and separating out the different lengths of screws).