The product is nice looking and sturdy. They seem like they will hold up well. We bought 2 of theses chairs.
One came with the wrong size cross boards. And the other had no hardware. And one of the chairs did not have holes drilled in 2 pieces.
Poly wood customer service did send hardware and correct cross boards. And thank goodness my husband could drill the holes. I just believe that when you buy a product you shouldnt have to call to get the parts. And if they say pre/drilledthen the holes should be there.
They need better quality control.
The product is nice looking and sturdy. They seem like they will hold up well. We bought 2 of theses chairs. One came with the wrong size cross boards. And the other had no hardware. And one of the chairs did not have holes drilled in 2 pieces. Poly wood customer service did send hardware and correct cross boards. And thank goodness my husband could drill the holes. I just believe that when you buy a product you shouldnt have to call to get the parts. And if they say pre/drilledthen the holes should be there.