Easy to assemble. I put it together by myself. Very sturdy, heavy, well built. Beautiful color. Not exactly grey, not exactly beige. Something in between but very nice.
Most important thing...it fits around my sleep number flat base. I removed wood pieces (4 screws) from the side rails to fit flush against the bed. I also did not use the slats or support underneath. I only used the head board, foot board and side rails. Fits perfectly and looks amazing. Highly recommend and would buy it again.
Delivery was super easy and on time. Delivery guys brought the huge heavy box inside my foyer. I opened the box and carried each piece upstairs to the master. As I said before I put it together by myself.
Fits around sleep number base!!
Easy to assemble. I put it together by myself. Very sturdy, heavy, well built. Beautiful color. Not exactly grey, not exactly beige. Something in between but very nice. Most important thing...it fits around my sleep number flat base. I removed wood pieces (4 screws) from the side rails to fit flush against the bed. I also did not use the slats or support underneath. I only used the head board, foot board and side rails. Fits perfectly and looks amazing. Highly recommend and would buy it again. Delivery was super easy and on time. Delivery guys brought the huge heavy box inside my foyer. I opened the box and carried each piece upstairs to the master. As I said before I put it together by myself.