My husband put this together in about an hour and a half. I didnt hear too much shouting from the room so I would assume it was fairly easy. He did call for my help a few times to screw in some parts while holding it, but that was about it. I am so happy with how it turned out. It is also very sturdy and I cannot believe we were able to purchase something this affordable while also being great quality. Its beautiful in person. Just get it.
Perfect for Guest Bedroom
My husband put this together in about an hour and a half. I didnt hear too much shouting from the room so I would assume it was fairly easy. He did call for my help a few times to screw in some parts while holding it, but that was about it. I am so happy with how it turned out. It is also very sturdy and I cannot believe we were able to purchase something this affordable while also being great quality. Its beautiful in person. Just get it.