While this was relatively easy to assemble (only took my husband and I an hour and a half), the product is not sturdy. The wooden slats are of poor quality. Two have already broken. One arrived cracked and customer service sucked for helping with it. The second broke when one of us sat on the mattress. The storage is great, but Im going to have to find some other support for the bed other than the garbage slats that come with it.
Nice Frame, Garbage Slats for Support
While this was relatively easy to assemble (only took my husband and I an hour and a half), the product is not sturdy. The wooden slats are of poor quality. Two have already broken. One arrived cracked and customer service sucked for helping with it. The second broke when one of us sat on the mattress. The storage is great, but Im going to have to find some other support for the bed other than the garbage slats that come with it.