We were not sure how good the quality of the bed would be. This was for our daughters room. It came well packaged and with good instructions. With the help of my daughter, I was able to assemble it in less than an hour. The only reason I gave 4 stars is because the bed does not seem very sturdy (but for the price it is excellent) and the drawers are not really attached to the bed, but they roll under and there is a hook to keep them in place. Not terrible, but still.. I recommend this bed.
Very good bed for the price
We were not sure how good the quality of the bed would be. This was for our daughters room. It came well packaged and with good instructions. With the help of my daughter, I was able to assemble it in less than an hour. The only reason I gave 4 stars is because the bed does not seem very sturdy (but for the price it is excellent) and the drawers are not really attached to the bed, but they roll under and there is a hook to keep them in place. Not terrible, but still.. I recommend this bed.