Its super easy to assemble and it works great for our two year old like its so low. But After almost two months of sleeping on it one slat cracked when a 170lb adult kneeled onto it. I dont know if theres a warranty so will look into it. I almost bought a $200 similar bed frame from wayfair that has a warranty and now wish I did. We have laid down on the bed without any issues. But unfortunately one kneel of an average size adult can break it.
Get what you pay for
Its super easy to assemble and it works great for our two year old like its so low. But After almost two months of sleeping on it one slat cracked when a 170lb adult kneeled onto it. I dont know if theres a warranty so will look into it. I almost bought a $200 similar bed frame from wayfair that has a warranty and now wish I did. We have laid down on the bed without any issues. But unfortunately one kneel of an average size adult can break it.