I just put this together and I have to say, it was so easy to assemble. It feels nice and sturdy. It doesnt wobble or lean. The drawers are drawers but seem to be good quality ones and not super flimsy. Its a little shorter than I thought it would be but thats okay. Its light and easy to move even for this preggo. I like that it has actual drawer pulls rather than just a sewn on handle.
Good to get
I just put this together and I have to say, it was so easy to assemble. It feels nice and sturdy. It doesnt wobble or lean. The drawers are drawers but seem to be good quality ones and not super flimsy. Its a little shorter than I thought it would be but thats okay. Its light and easy to move even for this preggo. I like that it has actual drawer pulls rather than just a sewn on handle.