Super easy to assemble. However the packs of the 2 different sized screws were mislabeled. I, unfortunately, didnt realize this until it was too late the mislabeled screws come through the top of the nightstand. Really dont want to go through the hassle of returning waiting for a new one, so Im going to McGyver it somehow to cover up the damage. Aside from that, its a nice little stand for the price.
Nice product, but beware mislabeled screws
Super easy to assemble. However the packs of the 2 different sized screws were mislabeled. I, unfortunately, didnt realize this until it was too late the mislabeled screws come through the top of the nightstand. Really dont want to go through the hassle of returning waiting for a new one, so Im going to McGyver it somehow to cover up the damage. Aside from that, its a nice little stand for the price.