The bed was easy enough to assemble. The box arrived a little beat up but there was no damage to the frame itself. It did not include instructions. I called customer service and they emailed me a PDF immediately. It is made of real wood and seems pretty sturdy. The reason for 3 stars. The screws that hold up the rail on the top were different sizes and only one of them fit so I had to drill my own wood screws in to hold it up.
Good for the price.
The bed was easy enough to assemble. The box arrived a little beat up but there was no damage to the frame itself. It did not include instructions. I called customer service and they emailed me a PDF immediately. It is made of real wood and seems pretty sturdy. The reason for 3 stars. The screws that hold up the rail on the top were different sizes and only one of them fit so I had to drill my own wood screws in to hold it up.