This was easy to assemble but it definitely takes awhile as there are many pieces. However, the instructions are very clearly stated and were easy to follow. Well worth the time. I have 2 instant pots and they both fit inside the cabinet on one shelf. The drawers are nice and deep for lots of storage. Its so easy to move and roll. Im so pleased with how its working and how sturdy it has been as an additional serving area. It looks great in the kitchen too.
Great buy! Wish I had bought it sooner.
This was easy to assemble but it definitely takes awhile as there are many pieces. However, the instructions are very clearly stated and were easy to follow. Well worth the time. I have 2 instant pots and they both fit inside the cabinet on one shelf. The drawers are nice and deep for lots of storage. Its so easy to move and roll. Im so pleased with how its working and how sturdy it has been as an additional serving area. It looks great in the kitchen too.