Put it together by myself in about 3 hours. The extra 30 minutes was because I failed to notice the drawers wheel glides were backwards. Easily corrected by rebuilding which I thought was a great test to how this product will hold up. All the screws went back in tightly. Sturdy. All the parts were well designed and easily put together. The white is more of an ivory/white; pretty close to Swiss coffee paint. Wheels on the base move with ease. The drawers are deeps and the cabinet space also deep. Happy with the product as a whole so far.
Put it together by myself in about 3 hours. The extra 30 minutes was because I failed to notice the drawers wheel glides were backwards. Easily corrected by rebuilding which I thought was a great test to how this product will hold up. All the screws went back in tightly. Sturdy. All the parts were well designed and easily put together. The white is more of an ivory/white; pretty close to Swiss coffee paint. Wheels on the base move with ease. The drawers are deeps and the cabinet space also deep. Happy with the product as a whole so far.