The product arrived on time. It took me awhile to assemble, but overall, was fairly easy. I would have appreciated some letters on the plastic bags that matched the directions a or stickers on the panels, as the directions were a bit confusing. I watched the video a few times which helped. One thing though, is the product came with a couple of small tears in the fabric / on the side panel (3 inches) and on the headboard (one inch). If you are looking for a cheap frame that looks quality, then this is your go/to.
Great Headboard with Frame
The product arrived on time. It took me awhile to assemble, but overall, was fairly easy. I would have appreciated some letters on the plastic bags that matched the directions a or stickers on the panels, as the directions were a bit confusing. I watched the video a few times which helped. One thing though, is the product came with a couple of small tears in the fabric / on the side panel (3 inches) and on the headboard (one inch). If you are looking for a cheap frame that looks quality, then this is your go/to.