Ordered this on a Tuesday, and received it the next day on Wednesday! Overall this bed seems really sturdy, was really easy to assemble, super nice looking, and is actually quite comfortable. In addition, the USB ports work well and charge my iPhone 12 Mini. The only issue I had with this was the color; I originally ordered the beige which appears tan in the images provided, but in person it was more of a really light (almost smokish) grey color.
Ordered this on a Tuesday, and received it the next day on Wednesday! Overall this bed seems really sturdy, was really easy to assemble, super nice looking, and is actually quite comfortable. In addition, the USB ports work well and charge my iPhone 12 Mini. The only issue I had with this was the color; I originally ordered the beige which appears tan in the images provided, but in person it was more of a really light (almost smokish) grey color.