This frame is so sturdy. Bought this for a guest room (twin size bed). So easy to assemble. Its platform so no need for a mattress. Here I am two years and two kids later and one move and this frame holds up great. Easy to pack and store because of the zippered back to hold contents. Can bear the weight of my 300+ lb hubby and 40 lbs toddler so pretty strong and study. Only recommendation if you dont trust the board provided is an extra bungee platform board for support. Otherwise its aming. Would definitely buy again.
Wow exceeds my expectations
This frame is so sturdy. Bought this for a guest room (twin size bed). So easy to assemble. Its platform so no need for a mattress. Here I am two years and two kids later and one move and this frame holds up great. Easy to pack and store because of the zippered back to hold contents. Can bear the weight of my 300+ lb hubby and 40 lbs toddler so pretty strong and study. Only recommendation if you dont trust the board provided is an extra bungee platform board for support. Otherwise its aming. Would definitely buy again.