It took less than an hour to assemble. My husband read the directions and said they werent very good directions and the material was cheap. Its sturdy for what I wanted it for even though we didnt attach it to the wall with the bracket it came with. It doesnt look cheap to me, I think it looks great. Ill probably treat it more gently than a family with children would. Im not sure how long it would hold up for normal family activity. The baseboard cut/outs make it more flush to the wall. Im pleased with the purchase.
Better than expected
It took less than an hour to assemble. My husband read the directions and said they werent very good directions and the material was cheap. Its sturdy for what I wanted it for even though we didnt attach it to the wall with the bracket it came with. It doesnt look cheap to me, I think it looks great. Ill probably treat it more gently than a family with children would. Im not sure how long it would hold up for normal family activity. The baseboard cut/outs make it more flush to the wall. Im pleased with the purchase.