I bought this item for my 3year olds room as a reading chair/eventually a guest bed. The dimensions are nice and wide so he and I can sit next to each/other comfortably. It was very easy to assemble. Built well, easy to transition to reclining and bed settings. My only complaint is that the padding is not as comfortable as I expected for the price. I would recommend a top mattress pad if you use as a guest bed.
Overall great product
I bought this item for my 3year olds room as a reading chair/eventually a guest bed. The dimensions are nice and wide so he and I can sit next to each/other comfortably. It was very easy to assemble. Built well, easy to transition to reclining and bed settings. My only complaint is that the padding is not as comfortable as I expected for the price. I would recommend a top mattress pad if you use as a guest bed.