I saw a lot of reviews about it being wobbly and was worried but when it arrived and I started putting it together I could see how a lot of people would put this together incorrectly. If done correctly, it is very sturdy. My issue is with the screws. It’s a very nice TV stand but just needs higher quality screws and more specific assembly instructions. The screw grooves wear down before you can get them fully set and your screwdriver ends up just turning with nothing to catch and turn the screw. It’s very easy to deform these screws. Aside from that, it’s a pretty cool TV stand. I’d give it 5 stars if it weren’t for those screws.
Great TV stand, just needs better screws
I saw a lot of reviews about it being wobbly and was worried but when it arrived and I started putting it together I could see how a lot of people would put this together incorrectly. If done correctly, it is very sturdy. My issue is with the screws. It’s a very nice TV stand but just needs higher quality screws and more specific assembly instructions. The screw grooves wear down before you can get them fully set and your screwdriver ends up just turning with nothing to catch and turn the screw. It’s very easy to deform these screws. Aside from that, it’s a pretty cool TV stand. I’d give it 5 stars if it weren’t for those screws.