I have lot of doubts when ordering this item. Finally when the item delivered, found the quality of the item is really good. Instructions for assembly are crystal clear, marked each piece with numbers and bigger picture shows where each number goes, this made life easier. Overall this is a excellent product and added style to my family room.
If there is anything that I am a bit unhappy that is the way the delivery came one box delivered then after two days the second box got delivered.
Exceeded my expectations!!!
I have lot of doubts when ordering this item. Finally when the item delivered, found the quality of the item is really good. Instructions for assembly are crystal clear, marked each piece with numbers and bigger picture shows where each number goes, this made life easier. Overall this is a excellent product and added style to my family room. If there is anything that I am a bit unhappy that is the way the delivery came one box delivered then after two days the second box got delivered.