I am confident of buying from this supplier because most of the time buying furniture Online has issue with damages. I received a damaged panel but customer service quickly replaced it without any hassle. The product is made of compressed wood so don’t expect too much out of it. However, as long as it stays in 1 place. It is sturdy. I have dismantled once and product is holding the ground pretty well. I had no issue installing it. It took me flat 40 mins to put everything together.
Good service
I am confident of buying from this supplier because most of the time buying furniture Online has issue with damages. I received a damaged panel but customer service quickly replaced it without any hassle. The product is made of compressed wood so don’t expect too much out of it. However, as long as it stays in 1 place. It is sturdy. I have dismantled once and product is holding the ground pretty well. I had no issue installing it. It took me flat 40 mins to put everything together.