While the product I received was severely damaged (and almost looked like it was used previously or something), I must say that (1) It seemed like it would have been a great product with quality materials for the price if my shipment wasn't damaged (2) The seller's customer support was outstanding in a day and age where customer's seem to no longer matter. They responded within a day of me bringing the issue to their attention and issued a full refund without me having to go through the hassle of returning the product. I think this goes a long way and should be noted, and I would certainly buy another product from the seller with the trust that issues would be taken care of.
Great Customer Service - Would be a good product
While the product I received was severely damaged (and almost looked like it was used previously or something), I must say that (1) It seemed like it would have been a great product with quality materials for the price if my shipment wasn't damaged (2) The seller's customer support was outstanding in a day and age where customer's seem to no longer matter. They responded within a day of me bringing the issue to their attention and issued a full refund without me having to go through the hassle of returning the product. I think this goes a long way and should be noted, and I would certainly buy another product from the seller with the trust that issues would be taken care of.