Looks nice! Pretty easy to assemble even for a woman. It has holes in the back board so your cords go through it so its eaier to organize your wires!!! It makes my living room look less like we just started living on our own! the only sort of issue is that the sensor to change the lights is really low so it's awkward when you want to play with the light settings. But I mean. It's literally as simple as sitting on the floor while messing around with the settings. Either way it's a great buy. It was for my boyfriend for his birthday and he absolutely loves it.
Makes my living room look less run down
Looks nice! Pretty easy to assemble even for a woman. It has holes in the back board so your cords go through it so its eaier to organize your wires!!! It makes my living room look less like we just started living on our own! the only sort of issue is that the sensor to change the lights is really low so it's awkward when you want to play with the light settings. But I mean. It's literally as simple as sitting on the floor while messing around with the settings. Either way it's a great buy. It was for my boyfriend for his birthday and he absolutely loves it.