Difficult to assemble - my husband took several hours and he’s pretty smart. The instructions were incomplete and wrong. Everything others said.
So I recommend, use your own common sense and be patient. Lay out all the pieces and don’t rely on the instructions too much. Use common sense if you like putting together furniture. He even had to go to Home Depot to get some more heavy duty butterfly hooks for the wall. Once installed everything looks sturdy and perfect!
Exactly what we wanted!
Difficult to assemble - my husband took several hours and he’s pretty smart. The instructions were incomplete and wrong. Everything others said. So I recommend, use your own common sense and be patient. Lay out all the pieces and don’t rely on the instructions too much. Use common sense if you like putting together furniture. He even had to go to Home Depot to get some more heavy duty butterfly hooks for the wall. Once installed everything looks sturdy and perfect!